Thursday, 13 November 2014

Travel Diary #1: Side, Turkey

 Long time no see! I'm back with a travel diary which will, hopefully, be the first of many. I've just got back from spending the week in Side, Turkey. For October the weather wasn't awful apart from the three days it rained but being from London, or really England in general, it'll take a lot more than rain to ruin a holiday. Although the electrical storms almost did it. When there wasn't a storm we spent most of our time in the Old Town which is where almost all of the pictures above were taken. The streets are full of 'genuine fake' handbags, fresh pomegranate and orange juice stands and stray cats. 

Haggling is a skill I managed to pick up while I was there too and with my newly aquired skill I saved the equivalent of £50 on all the souvenirs I bought. Yes, I'm one of those people that buy all the souvenirs. Mugs and key rings galore. They also have handmade brass lamps of all sizes and handmade
 and decorated pottery which is all so beautifully made. I bought a matching bowl and mug and a small standing lamp along with a little wooden Buddah and about 200 key rings and post cards. 

There are more restaurants in Side than there are fish in the sea but disappointingly I didn't eat anything that was worth writing home about. There were so many restaurants we didn't have time to try though so there's always next time. The cocktails on the other hand were amazing. They definitely know how to make a Sex On The Beach with all the sparklers a girl could wish for. All the food was pretty reasonably priced and pretty much on par with any 'standard' kind of restaurant in London e.g £20 for a steak etc.

Apart from shopping and eating we really didn't do much so I can't recommend a whole lot of things to do. There are ruins in the old town by the harbour (pictured above) which are beautiful and definitely worth seeing. We also spent quite a lot of time on the beach (when it wasn't raining) and I built up enough courage to go parasailing! It really isn't a dangerous thing to do and I'm sure wouldn't require a lot of courage from most people, but being a person that can't swim, it is slightly petrifying to be dragged by a boat whilst floating 50ft over the ocean. It really is a lovely view from up there though, I'd definitely recommend it.

I hope you liked this post!

Did you go on holiday this year?

Lots of love.

P.S I'll try not to leave it so long next time x

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