Friday, 5 February 2016

Fashion Wishlist 002

Well my no spend January has gone well.. This isn't more of a wishlist than a "here is what I've ordered and is on it's way to my front door as we speak". Fashion in the middle of Winter and Spring is my favourite. I know that it's an incredibly niche window in the fashion world but I love the dark colours, understated prints, that sunglasses are on their way back and, most of all, ankle boots. The boots pictured are from New Look and I love them. I've actually not only bought these ones but also the exact same boots in the navy version. I admittedly have a weakness when it comes to ankle boots but I'm okay with it, the more the merrier right? 

The jacket from River Island is lovely and I can see it being a fan with a whole bunch of people. Not only is this colour gorgeous but it comes in a dark green which I think is incredible. I don't think I have ever seen another jacket like it and can see it being a great statement piece in anyone's wardrobe but easily transferable to an everyday, more casual look. The dress from Topshop I think is equally something you can dress up or down but I just really liked the print. It's simple but still enough to break up the black and as someone who wears black 90% of the time, I appreciate pieces that add some colour.

What's your favourite colour to wear? Are you addicted to ankle boots too?

F I N D  &  F O L L O W  M E  O N 

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