Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas Wishlist 2014

make up bag - notebook set - lush jingle bell gift set - nars virtual domination palette
zoeva the complete set - chelsea boots - diptyque vanille candle - vogue print
origins super sampler - nails inc be gelous

I actually find it really difficult to get a list together for what I want for Christmas, despite finding things I want all year when December rolls around suddenly I don't need anything. But after many, many hours of online shopping I've narrowed it down to this.. and another double sided A4 page.

My list is pretty beauty heavy this year with the Nars palette being the shining star. I can't even express how much I want this in my life. It is beautiful. Santa, (aka boyfriend) I hope you're listening.

The Nails Inc set is on sale at the moment on Asos at 50% off making it £29, so if it's on your list too then now's the time to buy it! The colours are all really wearable as I find that more often than not with nail varnish sets that there's always a couple of weird shades, but this one looks great. And as a side note I also really love their new packaging, well done Nails Inc.

Origins Christmas sets are always amazing and this one is no different. Personally I think this is the best one this year. It has a little bit of everything which is great for people new to the brand or for people like me who want doubles of everything because they are a complete skin care addict. Either way I think it's a great buy for Christmas.

The Vogue print is my favourite thing in my entire list. I am absolutely in love with it. I'm redecorating my bedroom (again) and have been spending pretty much every evening lusting over prints and posters on Etsy and this has been sitting in my basket since I first saw it a couple of weeks
ago. I'll be a very happy bunny if this is under the tree on Christmas morning.

What do you want the most for Christmas this year?

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