Monday, 15 December 2014

Nail Polish Storage

Since moving this year and decorating more times than I can count I've been looking for ways to
store things in more practical (yet inventive) ways.
I used to have all my nail polishes in a draw or displayed beautifully on a shelf but I have no room to do either of those anymore so I thought I'd share with you a way that I've found that looks great and is pretty much as practical as it gets.

The jars are from H&M home, which may possibly be my most favourite thing in the world right now, and they're £6.99 each link. They're pretty big too so if you're a complete nail varnish addict like I am then these are perfect for you. They also just look nice as decoration on a dressing table - I usually have these on a shelf above my make up storage (aka Alex) and they look lovely.

I'm really getting in to home stuff recently and I'll hopefully be giving you a tour of my bedroom in January.

I hope you liked this post and let me know if you want to see more like it.

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